Well, here I go again. I am going to give it a try and to keep this blog up a little better. Thanks Dallas for helping me and motivating me. You are such an inspiration. It has been so long since I got on my blog I couldn't even remember how, let alone my user name and password. Thank heavens Dallas came to my rescue. It is great to have smart and fun kids come along for sleep overs. This is about the third weekend she has come but of course I am always so busy playing with the grand kids that it is extra hard to go sit at the computer.
This morning I got up bright and early and headed to Las Vegas with Erin for her Mormon Youth orchestra practice. We drove the back way around the lake since Nas Car races are this weekend and we didn't want to brave the tons of traffic. I don't think it saved us much time because there were bike races going on all the way there. I sure loved watching the bikers though. I was just wishing I had my bike and could jump out of the jeep and join in on the race. I certainly have the bike for it now. I don't have the clothes though. Boy those bike racers sure wear fancy clothes. I think I would look pretty silly all decked out like that. I bet I could keep up with them though.
We all have our own passions in life. Right now mine is bike riding.
I LOVE MY NEW BIKE! Here it is. Isn't it a beauty. It can go faster than I can make it go. When it gets going too fast, I just hold on for dear life until the next hill. Then I pump away. It makes my legs feel so good. I also love the wind in my hair, with my favorite music in my ears. (IPODS are a great invention.)

Here is a picture of Erin and her passion. VIOLA, VIOLA, VIOLA!!! This is her playing with Mormon Youth Orchestra this morning. She loves it. She keeps us driving all over the place for her musical adventures. She has done well at all of her solos, festivals etc. etc. Next weekend we will be in Cedar City for her solo performance of Album Leaves, second movement, by Hans Sitt and Bach Minuetto #1 and #2. Good Luck Erin. We are proud of you.

At least my garden is in. That can not wait. I love it outside.