Relief! Now I won't feel so guilty when I am enjoying everyone elses blogs and never share anything from our house. Believe it or not, even with four kids out of the nest, things are still going on around our house. Erin and Leslie keep us hopping with their activites and it even gets more fun when the grandkids come play. WOW! Life is great. I am sure enjoying it.

Here is the latest from our house.

Last night Leslie brought her new 4-H project home. She purchased a beautiful baby lamb. He is so cute! I already love him. She told me she would let me take the morning feedings. I know it is the kids project but I sure love helping out. We pulled him off a pasture so he was full of cockleburrs (baby porky pine eggs). He looked like dirty chocolate. Yum! We gave him a bath and sheared him. Surprise! Now he looks like Nibs black licorice. Oh he also got wormed. He is pretty skinny but we will give him plenty of exercise and good food to help him grow some nice leg muscles. (Makes good Leg o Lamb) Most important, he seemed to have a good temperment. He was gentle during his bath and he walked with her when she haltered him. She said he was so nice that she decided to name him Buddy. Good choice. We put him in the dog kennel. He seemed a little sad and lonely so this morning we took Poka Dot, her baby goat and put him in the kennel too. Buddy seemed happy to have a friend. Poka Dot is adjusting. She keeps calling for Lucky Erin's baby goat. I would be surprised if Poka misses MaMa Betsy much though.

It is Homecoming week. Last night Erin performed at the High School in 3 different Orchestra Groups. She loves her Viola and I love watching her play. She also just found out that she qualified for division in Tennis. She is sure excited about that. She thought she was done but now starts practicing again tonight. She plays on October 14. I'm sure it will be Vegas somewhere.
Jay and I are enjoying working in the cooler mornings on the old chicken coop area. We have all kinds of projects and dreams we are working on around here. We are building new individual pens for the goats and lamb. Maybe we will even help tend a milk cow this winter. I decided to put some grow boxes down by the pomegranite trees. Jay decided to rototill the dirt before I started and "SURPRISE" after 10 years or so of pigs, chickens, goats, lambs and turkeys, we discovered a gold mine. Well, acually I guess it isn't really gold, its manure. What a great place to grow things. I think I will put in 2 grow boxes. One for Aspergus and one for strawberries. I'm excited. We also have plans for a new chicken coop, tack room, playground, campground with tent spots, RV parking, picnic table, fire pit and barbeque area. Man alive, we are dreaming big. It's nice to have space and big dreams. Anyone for winter camping? Some day there will even be fresh eggs for breakfast and maybe fresh milk to go with the garden produce.
Mom, I am so excited you have started blogging. Keep us all updated on what is going on with the family back home.
Great job!
Yeah, I am so glad you started blogging! It is so neat to hear about all that is going on at home. Leslie has such a cute new lamb. It seems very sweet too! Can't wait for Emery to come see it in a few weeks! And Congrats to Erin for making it to Division, that is VERY exciting. It brings back great memories for me!
Hi Rhonda. Welcome to the world of blogging. It is so fun. Maybe the rest of the family will start keeping in touch this way. Way to be a trail blazer! BTW I spent 3.5 hours in the ER tonight with Eliza. She had 5-6 stitches put in her head. I'll blog about it later.
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