Last week we went on our first family vacation for the summer. I don't know for sure if most would consider it a vacation, but we sure came home happy and tired.
We left Logandale on Tuesday afternoon and our first stop was Ivins, Utah for Erin's viola lesson. We then continued heading North bound to Annabella, to drop Erin off to stay with Chris, Jodi and their kids. My my, Erin sure loves and misses those adorable, active, wonderful kids. She promised Jodi she would do all the dishes she could, and assist with chores if she could just go and spend a little time with them. It was very late by the time we arrived and Jay and I hit the sack for our early journey to Delta. Did I mention we picked Leslie up from her home in Mesquite to go with us? It's always a very interesting and an eventful time when Jay and Leslie get together. When I pray for patience I think Heavenly Father answers my prayers by having me practice my patience skills when those two are together. I know they really do love each other but they definitely have a hard time showing it. Anyway, back to the vacation. Wednesday morning we headed to Delta to help Dallas and Tim move to Salt Lake City. All of their personal belongings have been stored in our trailer for two months and now the time had finally arrived for them to move to their University of Utah destination. We had promised them we would help them move and we were so glad we were not making a Eastern trek to Virginia for Pharmacy school. We spent Wednesday night at the Loveless house with Marie. We couldn't resist staying up late to spend time with her. The next morning we got up early and headed to SLC. When we arrived at their student housing complex we played with the cute kids and helped them unload their belongings and played with the kids some more. Dallas and Tim just kept thanking us and thanking us for helping them move. Yes, it was a lot of work. Especially for us old folks with all our aches and pains. Poor Jay is still recuperating from a bout of Tennis Elbow (also know as tendonitis of the elbow) This is from all that hammering on my wonderful new chicken coop.
I L OVE YOU JAY! Thank you for building me the best chicken coop ever. As I was saying, does this sound like a fun vacation? Well, as I was unloading all of those boxes and boxes in the heat of the day, I had a big smile on my face. Why? Because indead there is nothing in life that can make a person happier than to be able to help someone else out. As I thought about this great lesson I remembered what Mom told me in one of those tender last moments of her life. I pondered her thoughts on this subject. I remember her telling me about staying in Grandma and Grandpa Vogels winter home in Desert Hot Springs while she was recieving her cancer treatments. She was by herself and had to drive herself into Indio for her treatments. I'm sure she was very tired, especially on her drive home, after the treatments. There was a nice retired lady that lived near by. She came to Mom and asked her if she could drive her to her doctor apointments and treatments and assist her. Mom did not want to be a burden on anyone and declined her offer. This kind woman then pleaded with Mom to please let her help her. You see, her and her husband lived an easy life filled with taking it easy, golfing and doing anything they desired to do. But she was not happy. She was missing out on what really makes a person happy. That is to be able to help someone else. Mom told me it was so hard for her to be a burden but she decided to let this woman help her, and she was indead a great help to Mom. So who really was the happy one. Of course, the one giving service. Thank you Dallas and Tim for helping us to have a very happy vacation.
We then took Leslie to see her Sleeping disorder doctor in SLC. I love Dr. Farney. He is so smart and down to earth. He has every right to be a snooty doctor with the knowledge he has but he is so kind and genuine. He always treats me like a normal person and doesn't act like he is ten times smarted than me when he talks to me, even though I know he is in fact at least ten times smarter than me. Being a nationally know sleeping disorder specialist, we are very lucky to be one of his patients. I wonder if he is the way he is because he knows how to get a good nights rest. We then continued our journey South. Back to Annabella. It is always so fun to go spend time with Chris, Jodi and their family. Now, here is what we did there. Besides goofing off in their garden and grooming horses, dogs and not ourselves we went on a great bike ride. We loaded up all their bikes, my bike and a few others and headed to big rock candy mountain. There we unloaded our bikes and when on this really cool bike trail through the canyon. It was so beautiful and fun. After our bike journey, Jay took Levi and Heston fishing. They caught a whole slew of fish. Jay and I didn't want to start smelling like rotten fish so we headed back home. (with the fish) We got home late Saturday night. Jay had bisopric meeting at 6:00 am the next morning. After attending 2 hours of our 3 hour meeting we decided we better go home and get some rest. We were so tired we could barely walk accross the street and up the driveway to our home. When we got home we got undressed, pulled the covers down, turned on the fan and fell asleep for 2 and 1/2 hours. Boy, were we tired but happy.
Well, whats a blog without a picture. I took all of these pictures while I was flying down the trail on my bike. Now that's action. 

What a lovely vacation. I am glad you had a chance to be of service. You are a wonderful person Rhonda!
What a GREAT post! I really enjoyed reading it. I would have to say hearing the story from you in person would have been a little better but, you are a good writer and so it worked for now! :)
You brought a tear to my eye with that wonderful story about Grandma Gwen. I really wish I would have gotten to know her better. I was so young when she passed. Service is really something. I am very grateful we have it on earth today. Mom, you have been a great example to me on teaching me how to serve others. THANKS! :)
Thank you, thank you, thank you.... we still are just so thankful for helping us move and use the trailor. I also loved the story about Grandma Gwen. The great thing about service is it goes two ways. We felt so blessed for recieving it and as in your story, you and the lady felt good giving it. I am glad you were able to end the trip with a great bike ride and jodi's family. What cool pictures. That looked like a blast. Can't wait to see you again in August! I am counting down the days.
I love your post mom! I know I have heard that story about grandma before but had forgotten it. I am glad you told it again.
Thanks for coming to see us! It was so fun to have Erin here while you went to Salt Lake. The kids love playing with her!
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