This is about the most horrible picture of me ever, but just look at the adorable new crop of babies. Sorry Jodi and Chris, but I think this beats your new crop of beets, cabbage and cauliflower. I am so lucky.
Last week we had such a great time at our annual family re-union. We started out at Jodi and Chris's place in Annabella on Friday afternoon. Saturday morninig we all got up and some of us went on a beautiful bike ride down the canyon starting at Big Rock Candy Mountain. I loved it. I think the bike bug is creepping into the lives of my kids. How FUN! I think that Lincoln's #1 word in his vocabulary right now is Bike Ride.
After enjoying a little bit of time at the Nielson's we headed up the canyon to do some good old mountain camping. We left equiped with 4 wheelers, tents, trailer, fishing poles, dogs and plenty of good food. I can hardly believe how much the chemistry of our family changes each year. What a big difference it makes for each of the grandkids to grow in one year. All of the Mamas and Papas were extra busy attending to their own little growing crop of kids. Jay and I hardly saw each other the whole time we were there. We were both so busy just trying to take it all in. We both had so much fun just playing and watching all of our kids being parents. And the Grand Kids. Oh my, they had so much fun playing with each other and they are so dang cute. And what great bonds they have with each other.
Like my post said:
And this is why!

Levi came into this world about the cutest baby I have ever seen. Way too cute to be a boy. He was also very stubborn. I saw this as a future gift. He has great values and holds to them very firmly. He also has an extremely sensitive and sweet side to him. He seems to care about others feelings and is very sensitive to them. He has tons of energy and goes and goes. He makes a great big brother and cousin and we all love him.
Casey is extremely sweet, kind of quiet, really pretty, and really smart. She is usually sitting back quietly watching, listening and paying close attention. She has an incredible attention span. When I am around Casey I find myself striving to be better. She is also a great big sister to Whit. He is crazy about her.

I love Heston. He is a rascal but he is melted in my heart. He is a thinker and has very interesting thoughts. He is really a big tease and is fun to play with. He is also extremely athletic. He can be serious, goofy, happy and funny. I love to talk to him because he tells me exactly what he is thinking and it is always interesting to hear his thoughts. He is honest. He is also like
velcro. He sticks right with me.
Dantsel is my little Bug a Boo Girl. She is a
girly one. She is a princess through and through. She is really fun and sweet. She is smart, kind and pretty. She loves to look pretty and wear jewelry, have her nails done, and has beautiful hair styles and cute clothes. She also loves horses. Maybe she will be a rodeo princess some day. She looks like her Dad!

Emery had kind of a rough start in life. She surprised us a little early and had colic to boot. But she has outgrown her misserable start and is a total joy now. She is as cute as a button and so so sweet. She is a little social butterfly. I love to listen to her cute little chit chatting and singing. She is always surprising me with her intelligence. This girl is going places in life. She is full of determination.

James is about the best natured little person I have ever seen. He is also goofy and funny. He is brave and athletic like his Mom was when she was a little person. Jameser Boy is just dang cute.

I believe that Lincoln and I were great buddies in the
existance. When he was born, he looked in my eyes and when I said hello to him, he looked in my eyes and seemed to say to me, "Oh, there you are." I just love this little guy. He loves anything mechanical or with wheels. He wants to know how everything works. He can't stop talking about bikes and four wheelers. I love it when he follows me around.

Whit is so cute. He is his own little guy. Everyone loves Whit. I think he is going to always be
everyones friend. He is
acually the first of my
grandkids that I think resembles me a bit. Look at that face. Oh, I love you Whit.

Gwen is adorable. She has Zachary's cute cheeks and Nikki's beautiful eyes. She is full of smiles. She melts my heart.

Here is Tiny Tim. He is a clone of his father in looks. He is a sweet little package from Heaven. He is so mellow and sweet. He melts my heart when he nuzzles his little face up to me and cuddles. He also has the cutest little grin. And
ohhhh, so good natured. NO COLIC! Yeah!!!
Little Duncan is another little replica of Brandon. He is bright eyed, and very good natured. How Cam and Brandon get such perfect natured babies is a mystery to me. We can already tell he is another special little one.
So there you have it. I love all my little sweetie pies. Thanks for making my life so wonderful. You are all so unique and different from one another. I think of you all like little warm fuzzies. Love just grows and grows and grows. The more love there is, the more their is to share. If we hold back, the fuzzies will turn to cold pricklies. Not in this family. Not ever. I am so blessed to have you all in my life.
That was such a great post! It even brought a tear and smile to my face! You are such a good mom and grandma! We love you bug-a-boo!
Oh mom, your blogs are always so touching and great. I love how when you write I can almost just hear you talking. I am so glad you started a blog because you are such a great writer and you have SO MANY great things to share. What a darling tribute to all your grandchildren. We are all so lucky and blessed to have you as well.
dito dito. Thanks for being the best mom and grandma ever!
I love your post! Your grandkids love you too! Thanks for being such a loving mom and grandma. You are the best!!!
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