Young McRhonda had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. And on her farm she has new goats. E-I-E-I-O.
And man alive, thay are cute. I don't think there is anything cuter than new kid goats. Betsy had her twins at about 3:00 in the afternoon yesterday. She dropped them on her own without any trouble this time. What a relief. We were a little concerned since we nearly lost her in childbirth last summer. No problem this time though. And her babies are beautiful. She had one girl and one boy. They both have very dark heads. I like them that way. They are so pretty and I think they show at the fair better too. (Personal preference) We haven't named them yet. If anyone wants to put their two bits in, we are open to ideas. 

In my opinion, baby goats are the cutiest. This news may warrant a special trip just to meet them. You guys sure know how to breed animals, whether they are planned or not; you have babies "coming out of your ears"!
Wow Rhonda! You sure are a breeder. I like the names Kibbles and Bits.
Oh so cute! Babies EVERYWHERE. You just get rid of some babies just to gain more. EIEIO is right. Well, if Zach and Nikki make a trip out there, we might have to figure out if we can make a trip out there as well, maybe at the same time as them. Baby goats are the cutest! Those puppies are pretty cute too.
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