Yesterday morning I arose early to take our cute last schnauzer puppy out to potty. When I opened the door I was surprised to see Baylee laying there on the patio right in front of the door with two little puppies nuzzled up to her, nursing. Wow! What a surprise. I immediatly went back into the house and woke Jay up to tell him congradulations. He now was the papa of two new cute little mutts. Hopefully he will realize that these adorable babies will be his responsibility. We suspected Baylee would be having little ones about a week ago when Leslie came home and was giving Baylee a bath and informed me that she had boobs. We then gave her the summer hair buzz, and sure enough, she not only had boobs but there was milk in them to boot. I was in complete shock and denial and thinking maybe her hormones were just messed up because of the schnauzer puppies. Then I thought maybe if I ignored her it would just go away. Maybe she would have puppies out in the desert in the middle of the night and they would all be lost and the coyotes would get them. Maybe, Jay could put them in a gunnie sack and drop them in the Muddy river. Oh, I am so cruel. I really don't know how she possible could have gotten herself in this motherly way. She was in heat the same time as Lucy. That means she should have had puppies about 6 weeks ago, according to my calculations. Baylee is a very large hairy dog. She very well could have had 20 puppies. Man, this has been stressful to me. What was I going to do with all these puppy muts. I informed Jay that "Baylee was really Jay and Leslies idea of a dog." I invisioned myself sitting in a grocery store parking lot with a gigantic cardboard box full of big hairy dogs and a free puppy sign for the rest of the summer or maybe even my life. Jay informed me that maybe he could use them for marketing and put a big Falcon Ridge Realty sign on the box too. I think I will make him sit with the dogs. I'm sure in his mind he will finagle a way to designate this job to me though. He is very good at doing that. In fact, I would have to say he is a pro.

Anyway, back to the puppies. I sat there on our bed trying to convince Jay to go see his new babies. Soon I got to thinking about what a sweet dog Baylee is. I thought of the two cute babies wiggling around on that cold, or maybe hot cement and decided to go get them a big blanket to lay on. That was the least I could do. When I went back outside, there was another puppy. Wow! As I took another look, they melted my heart. They were adorable babies. Very fancy looking black and white little things with great big noses, just like their Mom. Baylee looked up at me, smiling and proud. Her big/little tail was just a waggin. I went back in our bedroom and told Jay he had three babies now and when would he like to do their tails and dew claws? He asked me , "How big are they?" "Will I have to use a chain saw?" Well, I went and got the wading pool out, which I was just getting ready to put back in storage from the schnauzers, and got it all set up in the air-conditioned tool room with a big soft balnket. I wanted Baylee and her new little ones to be comfortable. Oh so so cute. Two little girls, and one little boy. They have such beautiful markings too. The little boy looks just like his mother. Thank goodness all went well and the coyotes didn't get them. So much for the gunnie sack idea.

So here is the question. "What is it about babies that melt a persons heart? " "How can one not bond with a new little one straight from heaven?" "Birth truly is a miricle! " "A gift from our Father in Heaven." "It doesn't matter if we are pure bred or mutts, all little spirits are special." "Even dog spirits."
Good job on this post mom. You always write so well. Thanks for sharing all your cute stories. :)
The other day I had to teach Jodi how to spell the word congratulations for a card we were giving my niece for graduation from high school. She wanted to use a d instead of a t. After reading your post, I think I know where she learned to spell, I mean didn't learn how to spell the word congratulations. :)
I can't remember for sure Chris, but how do you spell vacumb?
CONGRATULATIONS! They are beautiful puppies. How is Jay getting along with them so far?
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